
Please find the full list of my publications from Google Scholar


  1. FMSys’24
    Sensor2Scene: Foundation Model-driven Interactive Realities
    Yunqi Guo, Kaiyuan Hou, Zhenyu Yan, and 3 more authors
    FMSys, 2024


  1. MobiCom’23
    Sign-to-911: Emergency Call Service for Sign Language Users with Assistive AR Glasses
    Yunqi Guo, Jinghao Zhao, Boyan Ding, and 6 more authors
    MobiCom, 2023
  2. TMC’23
    LDRP: Device-Centric Latency Diagnostic and Reduction for Cellular Networks without Root
    Zhaowei Tan, Jinghao Zhao, Yuanjie Li, and 3 more authors
    IEEE TMC, 2023


  1. CNS’21
    A Model Obfuscation Approach to IoT Security
    Yunqi Guo, Zhaowei Tan, Kaiyuan Chen, and 2 more authors
    IEEE CNS, 2021
    Co-first author
  2. ACSAC’21
    On Key Reinstallation Attacks over 4G LTE Control-Plane: Feasibility and Negative Impact
    Muhammad Taqi Raza, Yunqi Guo, Songwu Lu, and 1 more author
    ACM ACSAC, 2021
  3. MobiCom’21
    SecureSIM: Rethinking Authentication and Access Control for SIM/eSIM
    Jinghao Zhao, Boyan Ding, Yunqi Guo, and 2 more authors
    AMC MobiCom, 2021
  4. MobiCom’21
    Data-Plane Signaling in Cellular IoT: Attacks and Defense
    Zhaowei Tan, Boyan Ding, Jinghao Zhao, and 2 more authors
    ACM MobiCom, 2021
  5. MobiCom’21
    Experience: a Five-Year Retrospective of MobileInsight
    Yuanjie Li, Chunyi Peng, Zhehui Zhang, and 9 more authors
    ACM MobiCom, 2021


  1. ICCCN’20
    Towards Model-Centric Security for IoT Systems
    Yunqi Guo, Zhaowei Tan, and Songwu Lu
    IEEE ICCCN, 2020
    Invited paper